Sentence Structure Quiz: Boost Your Grammar Skills and Enhance Communication

Hello! My dear participants. Welcome to the Sentence Structure Quiz. I hope you have already gone through our blog post on Sentence and Parts of a Sentence and you have got a clear idea about what a sentence is, how many parts of a sentence are there in English Grammar and what a sentence structure in general is.

Now, it is time to put your knowledge to the test and see how well you know about the sentence and its structure.

Benefits Of Attempting The Sentence Structure Quiz

The benefits of attempting such a quiz on sentence and sentence structure are huge. In many ways, it empowers your language proficiency.

  • Such a quiz on sentence structure improves your grammar skills.
  • It enhances your writing skills and prevents you from doing silly mistakes when you write.
  • It helps to strengthen your communication skills and enables you to grab the attention of the listeners before you.
  • This kind of test prepares you for the actual exams or assessments and thus helps you to get good grades.
  • It boosts your confidence level and makes you feel confident in your approach.

Resources To Score High In The Sentence Structure Quiz

If you want to make a fair score on this sentence structure quiz or want to expand your existing knowledge on this topic, I suggest you to go through the following resources first. Of course, it will add some value to your knowledge database.

The first one is our dedicated blog post on sentences, their parts and structures whereas the second one is a YouTube Video in Bengali on the same topic. If you understand Bengali, I suggest you to go through both these resources and then start the quiz. However, you can start it right now if you wish to do so. No one going to stop you.

Details Of  The Quiz: Before You Start

I have selected 15 chosen M.C.Q (Multiple Choice Questions) for this sentence structure quiz which you have to answer. Don’t hurry. Take your time to read the questions properly before you answer them.

You will get questions of mixed difficulty levels. You will pass if you can score at least 70%.

Remember, this is going to be a mock test to prepare you before the actual test. If you pass, it’s great! Hearty congratulations from my side. But if you fail, don’t ruin your gracious mood. 

Go back to the resources mentioned above, double your attention and read them carefully again. And then attempt the quiz for the second time. You will crack it for sure.

Let’s Start The Sentence Structure Quiz- Best of Luck!

Created by 026c7a4db848908077b6894da51277cb?s=32&d=monsterid&r=g » Lighthouse EdulightCaptain Som

Quiz on Sentence and Parts of a Sentence

1 / 15

1.  What is a multi-worded sentence?

2 / 15

2. Can a sentence have multiple objects?

3 / 15

3. What determines the subject of a sentence?

4 / 15

4. Find out the object/objects in the sentence "I gave him a gift"?

5 / 15

5. What is the subject of the sentence "She is reading a book"?

6 / 15

6.  What is a direct object?

7 / 15

7. What is a single-worded sentence?

8 / 15

8.  What is the main verb in the sentence "They are playing football"?

9 / 15

9. What is a sentence?

10 / 15

10. What determines the object of a sentence?

11 / 15

11. What is the modern definition of a sentence?

12 / 15

12. What is the structure of a sentence in general?

13 / 15

13. What is an indirect object?

14 / 15

14. What are the two major parts of a sentence?

15 / 15

15. What is the predicate of the sentence "The cat chased the mouse"?

Your score is

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About Captain Som

026c7a4db848908077b6894da51277cb?s=90&d=monsterid&r=g » Lighthouse EdulightHi! This is Captain Som, a Teacher by profession and a Blogger by passion. I run this blog "Lighthouse Edulight".

I also own a Youtube Channel named "Lighthouse Edulearn", one of the best platforms to learn English for the students from Bengali Medium.

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